How to convert an mp3 or wav file into sheet music full walkthrough. Learn how to use AnthemScore to transcribe mp3 files into Sheet Music that you can edit. Import playlists and tracks from MP3 to XML instantly in 2020. MusConv helps to transfer songs to various music services with just a few simple steps. Or simply save the MusicXML file to your desktop and it’s ready to open into your favorite music notation program. Because of its 64-bit structure, M2XML is smokin' fast when installed onto today's 64-bit computer platfoms. Download and convert practically any PDF music file from the Internet. Sep 08, 2021 User’s Guide, Chapter 8: Installing MusicXML Readers and File Formats (1) ¶. Music21 can import and export a bunch of different musical data formats. Pieces in many of these formats are distributed with music21 as part of the corpus module (see music21.corpus ); look at List of Works Found in the music21 Corpus to see them all. Check your programs for updates. The first thing to do is to download the programs.

Summary :

You have lots of sheet music files and need to digitalize them. Wondering how to convert sheet music/PDF to MIDI? You can use music scanning software or use a PDF to MIDI converter.

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This post will teach you how to convert sheet music/PDF to MIDI in different ways. (To change the audio format, try MiniTool Video Converter.)

Convert Sheet Music to MIDI

Here are two scanning music software to directly convert sheet music to MIDI – PlayScore and ScanScore.

PlayScore (Paid)

PlayScore is an excellent music scanning software available for Android and iOS. It supports converting paper music scores into MIDI format, and PDF to MIDI. To do sheet music to MIDI conversions, you need to upgrade the free version to the pro version.

Below are the steps on how to scan sheet music and convert it to MIDI.

Step 1. Download and install PlayScore on your phone.

Step 2. Open the PlayScore app and tap on the camera icon in the lower right corner to take a photo of a page.

Step 3. Select the multiple pages of paper music you want to convert and export as MIDI.

ScanScore (Paid)

Another software to convert sheet music to MIDI is ScanScore. It can convert music scores to MIDI and MusicXML format and allows you to open them with some music composition and notation software such as MuseScore, Sibelius, Notion, Capella, and others for further processing. It’s compatible with Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.

Here’s how to convert sheet music to MIDI on the mobile phone.

Step 1. Download and install the ScanScore app.

Step 2. Launch it and choose the Import from app option to digitalize the music sheet.

Step 3. Then use the correction tool to correct scanning mistakes.

Step 4. Click the export button to convert the file to MIDI.

Convert PDF to MIDI

If you want to convert PDF to MIDI, you can use MuseScore and PDFtoMusic.

MuseScore (Free)

MuseScore is a free music motion software that lets you convert PDF to MIDI and MIDI to sheet music. It supports importing and exporting MIDI and compressed/uncompressed MusicXML files.

Take the following steps to convert PDF to MIDI with MuseScore.

Step 1. Open the MuseScore app after you install it on your computer.

Step 2. Click the File button in the upper left corner. From the drop-down menu, choose the Import PDF option.

Step 3. Then you need to sign in to MuseScore.

Step 4. Tap on Select PDF file to upload the digital music sheet and MuseScore will convert it to a project file. Download the project file from the website.

Step 5. Go back to the main window of the MuseScore and press the “Ctrl+O” to import the downloaded project file.

Step 6. Head to File > Export and select the MIDI format. Finally, click on Export to save the file in MIDI format.

PDFtoMusic (Paid)

PDFtoMusic can be used as a PDF to MIDI converter to convert PDF files to MIDI. This software runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Here’s how:

Step 1. Run PDFtoMusic after the installation.

Step 2. Open the PDF file with PDFtoMusic.

Step 3. After scanning through the PDF file, tap on File > Export and choose the MIDI option.

Also read: Top 5 Free Online MIDI to WAV Converters


Whether you want to convert sheet music to MIDI or PDF to MIDI. This post will always satisfy your needs!

Jan 14, 2021 Further description of iReal Pro playback emulation
How convert a song to musicxml mp3

Yesterday, I finally published an online demo of my iReal Pro to MusicXML converter (unimaginatively called ireal-musicxml), having spent around 300% of the time I had originally anticipated to reach the first release of this module. In this post, I hope to summarize the challenges, lessons learned, as well as the context around this work.

But first, some pretty pictures! Following is the same iReal Pro leadsheet for Herbie Hancock’s Butterfly, as rendered by iReal Pro, then rendered by MuseScore and OpenSheetMusicDisplay (OSMD) after MusicXML conversion. Click each thumbnail to see a larger image.

What’s the point?

For musicians, iReal Pro is an indispensable tool that captures the essence of practicing a tune. It allows to specify a full chord progression and to play it back in a number of styles, from pop to jazz to latin. Because the app is flexible and easy to use, it has attracted a large community of users who have contributed the bulk of the leadsheets that are in active use today. Now that’s what I call a successful product!

For all its greatness, iReal Pro suffers from one big (but understandable) flaw: it is not open source. Philosophical considerations aside, this means that its development is gated and that fixes and new features are up to the whims and fortunes of a single organization. It’s understandable, because how else could the app makers sustain their work by releasing their app in the open? Open source business models are still contentious.

Furthermore, some limitations of iReal Pro are structural. For example, one of my frustrations as a practicing musician, is that I still need to refer to a traditional (Real Book) chart in order to read a song’s melodic theme. During practice, I perform a complicated ritual on my tablet whereby I load up the PDF chart and the iReal Pro app, then click the Play button in iReal Pro before quickly switching to the PDF chart while iReal Pro is counting in. Unnecessary pressure! It would be much more useful for an app to show both the full chart (including the melodic theme) and to provide playback.

All is not lost. A great deal of the iReal Pro’s value lies in its content, namely the thousands of royalty-free leadsheets that are community-driven, and therefore evolving with fixes and enhancements as they are being actively used. It is in this spirit that I decided to write a conversion module from the iReal Pro song format to the standard music interchange format, MusicXML. The value of converting these leadsheets to a standard interchange format lies in the ability to rely on a wealth of supporting applications for further processing.

Although iReal Pro already features a MusicXML export function, the generated files refer to an obsolete version of the music standard, in addition to being non-compliant to its schema. (I’ve posted about MusicXML validation before, because it is an integral part of my development process). Further, the MusicXML export feature is only accessible via the app’s UI and cannot be automated or batched. Most importantly, perhaps, iReal Pro’s native MusicXML fails on some of its own leadsheets, including those that feature odd time signatures - more on that below.

Building the module

All right, enough justifications and let’s jump into the technical aspects of this work. The main building blocks of the converter are:

  • iReal Pro parser
  • Intermediate representation builder
  • MusicXML generator

iReal Pro parser

Although the iReal Pro format is proprietary and officially undocumented, I was lucky enough to find previous work and functioning code to parse it. I mainly copy/pasted code from other repos with minimal changes and was up and running in no time. I then documented the format as best as I could. Yay open source!!

Mp3 To Score

MusicXML generator

I skipped the middle step because it’s the fun part Instead of hand-generating an XML string, I used the excellent jstoxml module to convert a regular JavaScript object containing the MusicXML structure into XML. I also used validate-with-xmllint, xmldom and xpath.js to validate the generated MusicXML files during the test phase. Yay open source!!

Intermediate representation

This is where all the fun and domain-specific learning happened I faced several challenges here:

  • Emitting correct chord information
  • Emulating the iReal Pro playback model
  • Ensuring compatibility with other software

Emitting correct chord information

Chords are at the heart of a leadsheet. Chord notation is heavily based on convention, with multiple alternate representations for the same chord depending on the application, musical style, etc. MusicXML defines a harmony element that represents a chord structure based on the following blocks:

  • Chord root, as a note in the (Western 12-tone) scale
  • Chord quality: major, minor, dominant 7th, major 7th, etc.
  • Bass note, as in C/G
  • The altered degrees, such as ♯5, ♭13, etc.
  • More semantic elements such as chord function (tonic, dominant), inversion, etc. that I do not process at the moment.

I turned to the excellent module chord-symbol to provide chord parsing and structural analysis. This module is built upon a solid musicological foundation, making it a good choice as the scope of my own work grows and deepens. It’s also been a pleasure interacting with its maintainer. The module is able to parse iReal Pro chord notation without issues, and its output is largely compatible with MusicXML’s harmonic structure, which made it relatively easy to adapt to my purposes, despite the complexity of the task at hand.

Emulating the iReal Pro playback model

iReal Pro’s design pragmatically structures the musical information into “cells”, with a fixed number of cells (16 of them) per row - a row corresponds to a single-staff system. As such, a cell does not correspond to a single beat, because barlines can be positioned anywhere within the row. In addition, a chord’s minimum duration is one beat. The algorithm used by iReal Pro to determine the onset and duration of chords inside a measure is undocumented, and I needed to perform many experiments with different time signatures to reach a conversion algorithm that performs adequately for the cases I have tested. In fact, my testing revealed that iReal Pro’s native MusicXML export fails on some of the trickier leadsheets, including those featuring odd time signatures such as Take Five (5/4) which ends up exporting 6-beat measures!

After much thinking, I ended up devising a simple algorithm with minimal heuristics and some desirable properties:

  • No measures are generated with wrong beat counts
  • The output is compatible with iReal Pro’s playback behaviour in the “correct” cases

How Convert A Song To Musicxml Download

How convert a song to musicxml mp3

The basic idea of the algorithm is to evenly divide the available spaces found in a cell among the existing chords, up until reaching the measure’s beat count based on time signature. As such, the only hard error condition is to find more chords than available beats, since for iReal Pro, a chord’s minimal duration is a single beat. Fortunately, the iReal Pro editor itself prevents this condition at the UI level, so we should be fine in most cases.

Ensuring compatibility with other software

For the generated MusicXML to be practically useful, it needs to be compatible with other software that process MusicXML files. For the moment, I focus on ensuring compatibility with MuseScore, the excellent open source notation system, and with OpenSheetMusicDisplay (OSMD), a well-maintained JavaScript module that renders MusicXML in Web documents (and that itself uses the equally impressive VexFlow module to perform the actual engraving).

MusicXML is a complex, ambitious and constantly evolving format that aims at capturing both music notation and playback information for a wide range of applications, of which leadsheets is but a single use-case. As a result, any system that supports MusicXML is bound to continuously expend effort into refining and maintaining its MusicXML processing routines. Throughout my work on the conversion module, I have been interacting with the MuseScore and OSMD maintainers in order to iron out the details of how their systems process and interpret the format. I’m also participating in discussions with the MusicXML designers and community, to help clarify and refine the specification of the format regarding my current area of focus. It is surely one of the thrills of working on open systems to be able to interact with so many motivated, smart and helpful groups of people.

Next steps and the larger vision

Musicxml To Pdf

As my conversion module reaches an operational (but far from complete or robust) stage, I am ready to focus on the next step of my larger vision of an open suite of Web-based tools that help musicians collaborate around sheet music, which I prefer to keep vague at the moment, until the details crystallize organically. The next step will ensure that OSMD fully renders the generated MusicXML, in preparation for step 3 where a Web-based music player is added to the mix. A few years ago, I had created a demo of this playback capability, and I intend to refine my earlier approach when the time comes. Of course, I will be maintaining and updating ireal-musicxml along with the other building blocks.

This blog does not yet allow comments (mainly because I don’t want to use a closed-content commenting service and I’d rather focus on the music tech), but if you are interested in ireal-musicxml or the larger vision of a Web-based music notebook, I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to email me or open issues on the relevant repo.

How Convert A Song To Musicxml Format

As always, happy coding!